About IAS

The Irish Association for Simulation was founded in 2015. The IAS is an all Ireland interdisciplinary society that advances the application of simulation based learning to healthcare and high risk industries to drive change and improve quality and safety.
The Purposes of the Association are:
To develop simulation based learning, teaching and research in healthcare professionals and others.
To develop and foster best practices for the development and application of simulation.
To promote the professional development of individuals and institutions interested in simulation modalities through education Research and development
To develop and foster a national network of simulation educators, technologists, users, administrators and users
To partner with other professional societies that have common goals (e.g ASPiH).
To serve as a collaborative venue for national and international community to voice its collective expertise and ideas.
To facilitate collaboration between and among academic institutions and industry.
The IAS affiliated with the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) at the ASPiH conference in Bristol in November 2016
The IAS steering committee is composed of a group of simulation leads in Ireland, who presented their work and areas of interest to a group of more than 60 attendees at the symposium.
Dr. Crina Burlacu – Director of Simulation CAI
Dr. Dara Byrne – Group Director Simulation Saolta, Professor of Healthcare Simulation NUI Galway
Dr. Paul O’ Connor – Chair of IAS, Human Factors Psychologist, Senior Lecturer in General Practice NUI Galway
Dr. Dara O’Keeffe – Hon. Secretary IAS, Simulation Lead for Postgraduate Surgical Training, Rpyal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
Dr. Maya Contreras - Consultant Anesthesiologist, Galway University Hospital
Ms. Caoimhe Fitzsimons - Cliniacal Facilitator/CNM2, Emergency Department, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin
Dr. Leonie Heskin - Simulation Technology Lead in Postgraduate Surgical Education, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Dr. Gerard O'Connor - Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Dublin
Dr. Mike Morrow – Simulation lead (NIMDTA)
Mr. Dave Power – Centre Manager – ASSERT Centre, University College Cork
Ms. Nuala Walsh - Clinical Skills Simulation Centre Manager, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork
The IAS will be open for membership in the near future. For the moment membership is through registration for the annual symposium. If you are a member of ASPiH then you can apply for discounted registration at the IAS symposium. The second IAS symposium was held on Friday 28th April 2017 in the ASSERT Centre in University College Cork. Details of the symposium and how to register can be found here: Irish Association for Simulation
In 2016, Irish Association for Simulation became affiliated to UK’s Association for
Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH).
The aims of this collaboration are as in the following:
1. Promoting each respective organization and their endeavours amongst relevant networks and wider communities;
2. Sharing & developing new knowledge, skills and resources to benefit the respective membership
communities of each organization;
3. Providing opportunities for collaboration at individual, institutional and organisation-wide levels;
4. Enhancing the dissemination of innovations and solutions to community identified problems amongst members and the wider simulation community.
Under the affiliation agreement, IAS members are entitled to a 20% discount on ASPiH membership rates. Reciprocally, ASPiH members attending the IAS annual meeting are entitled to 20% off registration fee.
For more information visit https://aspih.org.uk/